Sunnah Is The Way Of The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)


بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

With the name of ALLAH the All-Merciful, The Very-Merciful

( ان کنتم یحبون اللہ باتبعونی یحببکم اللہ ویغفرلکم ذنوبکم)

If you love ALLAH then obey me; ALLAH Almighty will return your love
will forgive you your sins.
(Holy Quran,3-31)

                It becomes clear from the above Ayah (verse) of the Holy Quran that by obeying our Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and following in his footsteps we not only obtain the love of ALLAH but are promised forgiveness of our sins as well. What more could a sincere Muslim or Muslimah want?

In a Hadith related by Sayyidna Anas, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Whosever held my Sunnah dear, held me dear whoseever held me dear will be with me in Paradise. (Tirmidhi).

ALLAH Almighty states in the Holy Quran.

(لقد کان لکم فی رسول اللہ اسوۃ حسنۃ)

“The best example for you to follow and obey is that of ALLAH’s Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)”

(Holy Quran)

May Allah Almighty give us all the strength to follow the footsteps of our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) (Ameen).
Practice the Sunnah because it is the way of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and let ALLAH Almighty shower His blessings and His mercy upon you!

Sunnah Related To Waking Up In The Morning

Sunnah No.1: Rubbing both hands over eyes and face as soon as one is awake to chase sleep away and ensure alertness (Shamail Tirmidhi)
Sunnah No.2: Upon waking up supplicate as below:

( الحمد للہ الذی احیانا بعد ما اماتنا و الیہ النشور )
(Shamail Tirmidhi).

Sunnah No.3: Using Miswak ( a stick to clean the teeth) not just in the morning but whenever arising from sleep.
Note: Using Miswak while performing Wudhu (ablution) and using Miswak after rising from sleep are tow separate sunnah.

Sunnah Related To Changing Clothes

It is almost always the case that one has to change clothes at the start of the day. so while doing so, be sure to observe these Sunnah.

Sunnah No.4: when putting on pants or shalwar, first put the right leg in and then the left and the same for the left, The same sunnah applies to any other garment, such as a vest, sweater, jacket, etc.. When putting on shoes, wear the right shoe first and then the left. the opposite should be done when talking them off, that is, first the left shoe should be removed and the right shoe, first the left sleeve and then the right and the same for all other garments being removed (Shamail Tirmidhi)

Sunnah Related To Using The Toilet

When going to the toilet, either in the morning or any time during the day, these Sunnah should be observed.

Sunnah No.5: Do not put your hands in any pail or other vessels of stored water before washing your hands. up to the wrists. Then you may put your hands in the pail or vessel of water (Tirmidhi)
Sunnah No.6: Wash the private parts, after relieving your self with water or when water is not available using three clean pieces of rock or three clods of clean earth (Shamail Tirmidhi)
Sunnah No.7: It is the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to wear shoes and cover the head before entering the toilet (Ibn Saad)
Sunnah No.8: Supplicate as the following Dua before entering the toilet:

اللھم انی اعوذبک من الخبث و الخبائث

Sunnah No.9: Entering the toilet with the left foot first in is sunnah (Ibn Majah)

Sunnah No.10: when relieving oneself especially in a place which is not private (an open field or in the woods where other people may be close-by) bend down as low as possible before removing the necessary garments.
Sunnah No.11: Any ring, locket or other pieces of the holy jewelry which has an ayah of Quran or the name of ALLAH Almighty or of the Holy Prophet ( printed on it and is not hidden from view, should not be taken into the bathroom ( Nisai)

Note. any inscriptions of Quranic verse which have been wrapped in cloth, leather, or plastic and sealed (Such as many Muslims wear for various purposes) do not have to be removed.

Sunnah No.12: Neither one’s face nor back should be facing the qibla (the direction of the Ka146bah) when using the toilet (Tirmidhi).

Sunnah No.13: Unless absolutely necessary, a conversation should be avoided while in the toilet. Refrain especially from reciting the Quran, the names of ALLAH almighty, etc.

Sunnah No.14: having relieved yourself, use the left (never the right hand) to cleanse the private parts (Bukhari Muslim).

Sunnah No.15: great care should be taken that while in the toilet, urine or any other unclean substance does not spatter onto one’s clothes or body. Muslims have been warned that those who are careless of whether their clothes or body remains pure (of urine) will be punished in the grave (Tirmidhi)

Sunnah No. 16: if a toilet is not available for some reasons, then a place should be found which allows privacy and hides one from view before relieving oneself (Tirmidhi).

Sunnah No.17: if the need to relieve oneself comes at a time when in a wooded area or in a field outside the town, then simply move far enough away so that no one will be able to see (Tirmidhi).

Sunnah No.18: In the above conditions when a proper lavatory is not available, one should go to low ground for privacy.(Ahadith).

Sunnah No.19: If there is no proper lavatory available, a place should be found where the earth is soft and will absorb the urine so that it will not spatter onto the clothes or body (Tirmidhi).

Sunnah No.20: Always sit to urinate; standing while urinating is against the Sunnah (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.21: For cleansing after relieving oneself, first use clods of clean earth and then water afterward (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.22: When leaving the toilet, step the right food out first then left (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.23: Upon leaving the toilet, pray as following:(Tirmidhi).

غُفْرَانَکَ اَلْحَمْدُلِلّٰہِ الَّذِیْ اَذْھَبَ عَنِّی الْاَذٰی وَعَافَانِیْ

Suunah No.24: If it is necessary to dry up urine drops, do so from behind a wall, doo, curtain or other such partition (Tirmidhi)
Sunnah No.25: If one is in the state of ‘Janaabat’ (impurity due to intercourse, menstruation, etc…), then ‘Ghusul’ (obligatory bath) has to be taken immediately or as soon as possible but not later than after waking at dawn(in order to offer Fajr Prayer).(Tirmidhi).
Note: If the time for Fajr prayer is allowed to pass by and one remains in this state of ‘Janabat’. the Mala’ikah(angels) of Mercy will not enter the house until such time that ‘Ghusul’ (Bath) has been taken.

The Masnoon Manner Of Taking ‘Ghusul'(Bath)

Sunnah No.1: Begin by washing both hands up to the wrists, three times, Then if there are any unclean fluids (Such as semen etc….) anywhere on the body wash and cleanse those areas three times. then relieve yourself whether required or not and make ‘Wudu’ (Ablution) according to Sunnah. If bath water gathers around the feet, do not wash the feet until leaving the area and going to a clean place (because the bath water is unclean). Now first wash the head, then the right shoulder and then the left. Use enough water each time so that the water flows down to the feet; shoulders in the same order and manner twice more. if there is the danger that a certain area of the body will remain dry, use your hands to ensure that water reaches there (Tirmidhi).
Note: Drying the body with a towel or any other cloth after a bath is ‘Sunnah’, as is not drying the body. both are acceptable. Whichever of the two ‘Sunnah’ is followed, the ‘Niyat’ (intention) should be the same, and that is to follow the Sunnah.
Sunnah No.2: Taking ‘Ghusul’ (Bath) in the above manner fulfills the requirements of ‘Wudu’ (Ablution) as well. so ‘Salat-ul-Fajr’ or any salah can now be offered without making ‘wudu’ (Ablution) again even if while making ghusul one was completely naked (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.3: if you have just woken up and do not have to make ‘Ghusul’ (Bath), then make ‘wudu'(ablution) in order to offer Fajr Prayer. Observe all sunnah related to making ‘wudu’ and do this throughout the day, whenever you need to make ‘wudu'(Ablution).
Sunnah No.4: Making ‘wudu’ (Ablution) before leaving the house for the mosque.
Sunnah No.5: Making ‘wudu’ (ablution) in a complete manner. observing all sunnah (Muslim).
Sunnah No.6: Making ‘wudu’ (Ablution) completely and carefully, especially when it is hard to do so (as in the cold weather, for example) (Mishkat).

Eighteen Sunnah Of Making Wudu(Ablution)

Ensuring that all eighteen of these sunnah have been observed each time you make ‘Wudu’ (Ablution) and ensure that your ‘wudu’ (Ablution) has been made correctly.

1. Making ‘Niyat (intention) before beginning ‘Wudu’ (Ablution). For example, the ‘Niyat’ (Intention) can be “I am making this Wudu (Ablution) to offer salah properly.”
2. Recite Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem or بسم  اللہ والحمد للہ
According to some ahadith, begin by saying the following:

بِسْمِ اللّٰہ الْعَظِیْمِ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ عَلیٰ دِیْنِ الْاِسْلَامِ

3.Washing both hands up to the wrists three times.
4. Using Miswak (Tooth-stick), or if Miswak is not available, rubbing the teeth well with your finger.
5. Filling the mouth with water and then spitting it out three times.(Gargling).
6. cleaning the inside of the nose by putting water inside it with the right hand three times.
7. Blowing the arms up to the elbow, the feet, and other parts of the body which are included in ‘Wudu’ (ablution) three times each.
9. while making ‘Wudu’ (Ablution) combing the beard with fingers as well, (called: Khilaaf of beard).
10. Washing between the fingers of the hand and feet.( Khilaaf of fingers)
11. Running wet hands over the entire head once, which is called ‘Masah’.
12. Running wet fingers around the outside and inside of the ears once (also a part of Masah).
13. Rubbing and washing the hands, face, arms, and feet well while making ‘Wudu’ (ablution).
14. Completing ‘wudu’ without interruption, quickly, before any of the organs becomes dry.
15. Washing every organ in the correct sequence.
16. During ‘Wudu'(ablution) right side of every organ to be washed first.
17. Reciting the Kalimah Shahadat after completing the ‘wudu'(Ablution).
18. Making ‘Wudu’ (Ablution) carefully, observing all the Sunnah, especially when one is not inclined to do so (Nurul Aidah).
Sunnah No.1: It is Sunnah to offer two rika’t Nafil Salah (Tahyyat-ul-wudu) after making ‘wudu'(Ablution), except when offering Salah(prayer) is makrooh (odious) (Bukhari, Muslim).
Note: The time at which offering ‘Nafil Salah’ is makrooh(odious) are as follows:
From true dawn (Subi Sadiq) until the time of Ishraq prayer,
… When the sun is at its zenith, five minutes before and after as a matter of precaution.
……From the time that the ‘Asr prayer has been offered until the sun sets.
Sunnah No.2: offering prayers attentively (Muslim).
Sunnah No.3: After Making ‘wudu'(ablution) and offering two ‘Raka’ts Nafil (Tahiyyat ul wudu) it is sunnah to beg Dua and ask ALLAH almighty for his forgiveness for one’s sins (Ahmed).

Sunnah Related to Miswak

Sunnah No,1: Using Miswak (Tooth-stick) while making ‘wudu'(ablution) is sunnah.
Sunnah No.2: the Miswak (Tooth-stick) should be no longer than around nine inches and no thicker than a finger (Bahrr-ur-Raqiq).

Using Miswak Is Also Sunnah Or Mustabah During The Following Times:

1. Before reciting the Holy Quran.
2. Before reading and teaching Ahadith.
3. When suffering from bad breath.
4. Before studying or teaching any subject related to the Din Islam.
5. Before beginning Dhikr of Allah Almighty.
6. Before entering one’s own house.
8. Before becoming close to one’s spouse.
9. Before attending any gathering of pious, righteous Muslims.
10. when hungry or thirsty.
11. when it has become apparent that the time of death is near.
12. At dawn.
13. Before sitting down to eat.
14. Before setting out on a journey.
16. Before going to bed.
17. Upon waking up.
Now that your ‘wudu'(Ablution) is complete, you are ready to attend Fajr prayer with the Jama’at (gathering) in the mosque.
whenever you are going out to attend prayers in the mosque the following sunnah should be followed:
Sunnah No.1: It is Sunnah to make ‘wudu’ (ablution) at home before leaving for the mosque (Bukhari).
Sunnah No.2: Going out with the intention of offering prayers should be the principal reason.
Sunnah No.3: when hearing the Muad’din’s call, abandoning all worldly activities for prayers as if they do not matter.
Sunnah No.4: Arriving early for ‘Jama’at’ (gathering) in order to be present when ‘Takbir’ is said (in other words, not arriving late for ‘Salah’ (prayer) but being present from the beginning).
Now that you have left the house to offer ‘Salah”(Prayer), be sure to obey the Sunnah which apply after leaving the house.

Sunnah Related To Matters Outside The House.

Sunnah No.1: Recite the following Dua after leaving home.

(بِسْمِ اللّٰہ تَوَکَلْتُ عَلَی اللّٰہِ لَاحَوْلَ وَ لَا قُوَّۃَ اِلَّا بِاللّٰہِ)

Sunnah No.2: This Dua has also been recorded, in ahadith as to be read after leaving the house 70,000 angels to supplicate for the supplicator:

الھم انی اسلک بحق السائلین علیک و بحق السائلین علیک و بحق ممشاع ھذا فانی لم اخرج اشرا ولا بطرا ولا رباء ولا سمعۃ وخرجت اتقاء سخطک  وابتغاء مرضاتک واسئلک ان تعیذنی من النار وان تغفرلی ذنوبی فانہ لا یغفر الذنوب الا انت

Sunnah No۔3: Walk in a careful, dignified manner, taking slightly smaller steps because each of these steps is recorded and brings blessings and rewards.
Sunnah No.۔4: When about to enter the Mosque, remove the left shoe first and place your foot on that shoe, then remove the right shoe and place your right foot into the Mosque first (At-Targhib).
Sunnah No.5: This Dua should be read while entering the mosque:

اَلّٰھُمَّ افْتَحْ لِیْ اَبْوَابَ رَحْمَتِکَ

In some narrations, additional words are mentioned.

الّٰھُمَّ اغْفِرْلِیْ ذُنُوْبِیْ وَلسَّلَامُ عَلیٰ رَسُوْلِ اللہِ

Sunnah NO.6: Having entered the mosque, recite the following dua:

اَعُوْذُ بِاللہِ الْعَظِیْمِ وَبِوَجْھِہِ الْکَرِیْمِ وَسُلْطَانِہِ الْقَدِیْمِ مِنَ الشَّیْطَانِ الرَّجِیْمِ

Sunnah No.7: When the “Muaddin” is calling the “Adaan” (Call for Prayer), it is sunnah to repeat every line after him, however, when he says ( Hai Alal Salah and Hai Alal Falah) then the listener should say:

لَاحَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّۃَ اِلَّا بِاللہِ

During “Adaan” (calling for prayer) for Fajr (Dawn) Prayer, when the “Muaddin” Says :(assalatu Khairun minan nom)
the listener should reply:

صَدَقْتَ وَبَرَرْتَ

Sunnah No.8: When the “Adaan” has been completed, recite Darud and Dua-e-waseelah, Shifa’at, or intercession of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi Wa Sallam) on that person’s behalf on the Day of Judgement, becomes halal for one who reads this Dua, Dua-e-Waseelah is as follows:

اَلّٰھُمَّ رَبَّ ھٰذِہِ الدَّعْوَۃِ التَّامَۃِ وَالصَّلٰوۃِِالْقَاءِمَۃِ اٰتِ مُحَمَّدَنِ الَّوَسِیْلَۃِ وَ الْفَضِیْلَۃِ وَبَعَثْہُ مَقَامَا مَّحْمُوْدَنِ الَّذِیْ وَعدْتَّہ‘

Sunnah No.9: The interval of time between the “Adhan” and the “Takbir” (at the Start of the Salah) is propitious for Dua (Tirmidhi)
Sunnah No.10: Offering tow Rakaat Sunnah at home in the Fajr prayer before offering Fard is to gain blessings greater than the world and all that is in it.(Tirmidhi)
Sunnah No.11: Effort should be made to come so early to the mosque as to find a place in the first row behind the imam; if that space is filled, then the space to the right of the imam holds the most blessings. If that space has also already been filled, then the space to his left should be taken. The first row should first be filled before the second row is started and the second row should be completed before the Third is begun and so on. In other words, as long as there is space in the front, one should not take a place in the back of the jama’at “Congregation” (Muslim, Abu Daud).
Note: The reason behind this sunnah is clear since there are far more blessings for those sitting in the front, all attempts should be made to find a place as far ahead in the Jama’at “Congregation” as possible.
Sunnah No.12: For the period one is sitting in the mosque waiting for the salah to begin, he continues to receive the same blessings as if he were actually praying (Bukhari). This is why, if one is waiting for the Jamat to begin, conversation, especially concerning worldly matters, should be avoided.
Note: There are great blessings for those who read the Quran or engage in the remembrance of Allah Almighty in the interval between the Sunnah and Fard prayers. In the Fajr prayer between the Sunnah and Fard one Tasbih each of:

(سُبْحَانَ اللہِ وَ بِحَمْدِہ) ( سُبْحَانَ اللہِ وَالْحَمْدُ لِلّہِ وَلَا اِلٰہَ اِلَّا اللہُ وَاللہُ اَکْبَرْ)

earns a great reward.
(Tasbih means the glorification of Allah Almighty and consists of saying one of many words over and over again, such as SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, astaghfirullah etc here by one tasbih means reciting the word one hundred times).

Sunnah No 13: Whenever you go to the mosque, be sure to observe these:
1. unless absolutely necessary, avoid discussing worldly matters.
2. If others around you are praying, recite the Quran (or whatever other Dhikr/Tasbih you are engaged) in a low voice so as not to disturb those around you.
3. Do not spit facing the Qiblah.
4. Do not sit with your feet facing the Qiblah.
5. Do not search for anything you may have misplaced either outside or in the mosque.
6. Do not make announcements.
7. Refrain from toying with anything, such as jewelry, clothes, objects, etc.
8. Do not crack your knuckles, click your fingers, or behave in any other manner disrespectful of the sanctity of the mosque.
Sunnah No. 14: Always offer salah with the jama’at “Congregation” (Muslim).
Sunnah No.15: Just before the Takbir is called and the salah begins, make sure men in all rows are standing properly in a straight line, only the should takbir be called. In Tirmidhi Sharif it is stated: Abdullah ibn Umer رضی اللہ عنہ
had appointed a person to ensure that the rows were straight before he called takbir, Only when this person had checked to make sure that everyone was standing correctly did he notify Abdullah ib Umar (Razi Allah Anhu) who would then say takbir.

(عن اب عمر انہ کان یوکل رجلا باقامۃ الصفوف ولایکبر حتی یخبران الصفو فقد قامت)

Sunnah No. 16: Make rows perfectly straight, with everyone standing close together without leaving any space in between each person’s shoulders and ankles to be in line with the shoulder and ankles of the person next to him (sihah).
Sunah No.17: Offer every prayer with complete concentration and proper etiquette, as if it were the last prayer you will ever have the opportunity to offer (Att-Targhib).
Sunnah No.18: while offering prayers, one’s heart should be attentive towards Allah Almighty and one’s body should also be at peace i.2. no unnecessary movements should be made (Abu Daud, Nisai)
Sunnah No. 19: Offering salah with the jama’at (Congregation) is twenty-seven times more rewarding than offering it alone. (only Sunnah are being mentioned here, No mention of those things which are Fard and Wajib here)
In order to offer salah correctly, ensure that the sunnah relating to salah are understood properly. For no matter how humbly salah is offered, if it is against the Sunnah, the salah would become doubtful. That is why it is crucial that the sunnah relating to salah be understood well and followed carefully.


1. When making niyah (intention) for salah, men should bring their hands up to their ears, and women should bring their hands up to their shoulders.
2. When bringing the hands up to make Niyah (intention), the palms of the hands and the underside of the fingers should be towards the Ka’aba. The fingers of the hand should be in their natural position; they should not be spread far apart.
3.After saying, Allahu Akbar,

اَللہُ اَکْبَرْ

men should rest their hands below their navels, with the left hand beneath the right hand. Women should do the same, only their hands should be resting on their chests.
4. In the first Rakat at say:

سبحانک اللھم وبحمدک وتبارک اسمک وتعالی جدک ولا الہ غیرک

5. The Iman and Munfarid (one who is saying his prayer alone) to say only in the first Raka’at of Salah(prayer)

اعوذباللہ من الشیطان الرجیم

6. It is monsoon (Practice of the Holy prophet “Sallallahu alaihi wasallam” to say before reciting Surah Fatiha.

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

7. To be said in low- pitched voice the both above 5-6.
8. After reciting Surah Fatiha it is sunnah to say “Ameen” in a low voice, every time.
9. It is wajib to read another surah after Surah Fatiha in every salah except the last two Rakaat of four rak’at fard salah and it is sunnah to say

اللہ اکبر

before going into ruku.
10. When in Ruku the fingers of both hands should be spread around the knees and grip them.
11. When in Ruku, the head and back should be straight and at level with one another. The arms should be straight and the hands should not be touching the ribcage. The legs too should be straight, not bent. All of these things apply to men only, however, women should only bend enough so that their hands are placed properly on their knees and the fingers should not be spread around the knee but held together, in Ruku.

سبحان ربی العظیم

should be recited at least three times when in ruku.
13. When stand up from ruku, the Imam and the person praying alone should say:

سمع اللہ لمن حمدہ

14. Standing up after ruku is called Qaumah and it is considered Wajib.
15. Saying:

اللہ اکبر

while bowing down for sajdah, is Sunnah.
16. The masnoon way of going into sajdah is to begin by putting hands on the knees and letting the knees touch the ground first, then putting the hands on the ground. The hands should be far enough apart so that the head can rest between them during sajdah. The thumbs of both hands should be touching the ground.
17. The fingers of the hands and the feet should be turned in the direction of the Ka’ba when in sajdah.
18. When making sujood (plural of sajdah), men should keep their lower arms straight with the elbows pointing upwards. The knees should not touch the belly, the arms should not be touching the ground, The chest and upper body should be far from the ground, it should not be touching it. when making sajdah. women should be as close to the ground as possible i.e. arms, chest, lower body should all be touching the ground.
19. When making Sujood (plural of sajdah)

سبحان ربی الاعلیٰ

should be recited a minimum of three times and then, any odd number (5,7,9) of times after that.
20. Saying:

اللہ اکبر

when rising from sujood is sunnah.
21. When rising from the first sajdah, sit on your left foot under you. The right foot should be raised (on its toes) with the toes pointing towards the qiblah, hands should b resting on the thighs, palms down, and the fingers should just reach the knees and should be relaxed, neither spread apart nor forcibly closed. The fingers should just reach the knees and should be a little above the knee ( in other words they should not be sloping downwards resting on the knee itself). This position is called Jalsah.
22. Assume the Jalsah position after one sajdah and then prostrate for the second sajdah saying:

اللہ اکبر

23. All the Sunnah which apply to the first sajdah apply to the second as well.
24. When rising from the second sajdah, raise first the forehead and nose (in other words the head) and putting both hands on the knees, rise, keeping your weight on the balls of the feet to stand, reciting

اللہ اکبر

while rising from sajdah.
25. In the second Rak’at recite

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

and then Surah Fatiha and any surah or verses from the Holy Quran )a minimum of three verses should be recited). It is Mustahsin to say :

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

before beginning the next surah (or verses from the Holy Quran) “after Surah Fatiha”. The rest of the second rak’at should be completed in the same way as the first Rak’at.
26. After completing the second Rak’at and making sujood twice, say while rising

(اللہ اکبر)

and sit in Qa’dah position in the same manner as described above for Jalsah which is the monsoon manner, Recite in this position


up to the end and when you reach the Kalimah

(الشہد ان لا)

make a circle with the thumb and middle finger of the right hand and raise the index finger of the same hand when reciting. The small finger and the finger next to it should be closed (as when making a fist), Lower the index finger to the circle when saying

الا اللہ

but maintain the hand in this position until the end of Qadah. After reciting
if you had made the intention to offer four rak’at salaah, rise to make the third rak’at as soon as you have finished reciting


in Qadah.
27. In the third and fourth rak’at of Fard salah, no Surah should be recited after Surah Fatiha, Instead, after saying “Ameen” bow down into Ruku, when offering sunnah muakkiddah and ghair (this means “not”) Muakkidah, Nafl and Witr Salah, however, reciting a surah after Surah Fatiha in the third and fourth Rak’at is Wajib.
28. For women, the Qadah posture is not the same as for men. They should sit with both feet on the right side and the weight of their bodies on the left hip.
29. After finishing four Rak’at, assume the Qadah position and recite


again as described above in Jalsah. Then Darood (these are specific Duas asking ALLAH Almighty to send special kindnesses peace and to bless our Prophet “Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam” and great blessings for those people who consistently read such duas for our most beloved Prophet “Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam”) on the Holy Prophet “Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam” and following that, any dua from the Quran or Ahadith. Then say, Salaam.
30. When saying salam ( at the end of Salah), it is sunnah to turn the neck.
31. When saying Salaam on the right Side and then left side at the end of Salah, Your Niyah (intention) Should be that you are sending Salam to all the Muqtadies (people who are praying with Imam) and Malaikah who are on your right then left sides. Include the Imam in your Niyah (intention) in other words Send him Salaam as well “when making salaam in his direction.
32. The Imam should raise his voice a little higher when saying salam on his right and lower, a little when saying salam on his left side.
33. Muqtadies (the people who are praying with Imam behind him ” in his leading”) should not delay but say salam along with their Imam.
34. Anyone who has arrived late and missed offering one or more Rakat with the congregation (jama’at) is termed Masbooq. such a person should wait until the Salah has been completed and the Imam has completed saying salam (the Msbuq should not say Salam with the jama’at). The Masbooq should then rise say ‘Sanaa’, ‘Auz’, ‘Bismillah’ and complete the Raka’at which has been missed (Noor-ul-Izah).

Sunnah After Completing Salah

Sunnah No.1: It is Mustahab after having offered Fard prayer, to say

الحمد للہ

once, and


three times, saying it a little drawn the third time (Tirmidhi)

Sunnah No. 2: It is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) to devote time for Dhikr (Remembrance) particularly after Salat-ul-Fajr and Salat-ul-Asr(Al-Targhib).

Sunnah No. 3: After having completed any of the five daily Fard prayers, as long as a person remains seated (Where he offered salaah) the malaika (angels) pray for his forgiveness by Allah Almighty and to have mercy on him (Al0Targhib).

Sunnah No.4: It is Sunnah to remain occupied in Dhikr from after Salat-ul-Fajr until the time of Salat-ul-Ishraq (Tirmidhi).

The following Dhikr (remembrance of Allah Almighty) for mornings and evenings have been selected from correct Ahadith; whoever likes may repeat the adhkaar (plural of Dhikr) InshaALLAH, it shall prove most beneficial.

1. Recite the following in the order shown: Surah Fatiha once, Ayat-ul-Kursi once and once:

شھِد اللہ انہ لا الہ الہ ھو و الملائکۃ و اولو العلم قائما بالقسط ، لا الہ الا ھو العزیز الحکیم، ان الدین عند اللہ الاسلام ، وما اختلف الذین اوتوالکتاب الا من بعد ماجاء ھم العلم بغیا بینھم ومن یکفر بایات اللہ فان اللہ سریع الحساب 


قل اللھم مالک الملک توتی الملک من تشآء وتنزع الملک ممن تشآء وتعزمن تشآء و تذل من تشآء بیدک الخیر، انک علی کل شئی قدیر تولج اللیل فی النھار و تولج النھار فی اللیل وتخرج الحی من المیت وتخرج المیت من الحی و ترزق من تشآء بغیر حساب

Whosever recites these ayat (verses) after each of the five prayers each day will, Insha ALLAH, reach Jannah; ALLAH Almighty will look upon him/her with mercy seventy times each day, grant him/her seventy needs, and forgive his/her sins (Ibn-Hasni).

2. Recite the following three times:

اعوذ باللہ السمیع العلیم من الشیطان الرجیم

and the last Ayah of Surah Hashr once, which is as follows:

ھو اللہ الذی لا الہ الا ھو ، عالم الغیب والشہادۃ ھوالرحمن الرحیم ، ھو اللہ الذی لا الہ الا ھو ، الملک القدوس السلام الموٗمن المھیمن العزیز الجبار المتکبر ، سبحان اللہ عما یشرکون ، ھو اللہ الخالق الباری المصور لہ الاسماء الحسنی یسبح لہ مافی السمٰوٰت والارض وھو العزیز الحکیم

whoever recites this in the morning and evening, seventy thousand angels will pray for his forgiveness from morning until evening and from evening until morning and if he/she dies during this time, will be granted the status of a shaheed.

3. Recite the four surahs which together are termed “the four Qul” (because each surah begins with the word “Qul” These are surahs number 109, 112, 113 and 114 in the Holy Quran.

4. Recite seven times:

حسبی اللہ لا الہ الا ھو علیہ توکلت و ھو رب العرش العظیم

Reciting these Ayah seven times morning and evening ensures that ALLAH Almighty takes it upon Himself to complete the tasks and responsibilities one has set for oneself. These goals are achieved easily with ALLAH Almighty’s help and mercy. This holds true even if the person, who recites these Ayah does not believe in their effectiveness completely (Muslim).

5. Recite once

حسبنا اللہ و نعم الوکیل

when the noble companions (Razi Allahu Anhum) recited it. ALLAH Almighty granted them success in both this world and the Hereafter (Quran).

6. Recite once, for protection from Jin and men.

اعوذبکلمات اللہ التامات من غضبہ عقابہ وشر عبادہ ومن ھمزات الشیابین و اعوذبک رب ان یحضرون

7. Recite three times morning and evening for protection from all things:

رضیت باللہ وبالاسلام دینا و بحمد نبیا

whoever recites it three times will, Insha ALLAH, on the Day of Judgement be granted such rewards by ALLAH Almighty that he/she will be truly pleased and content.

9. recite once.

اللھم انت ربی لا الہ الا انت خلقتنی و انا عبدک وانا علی عھدک و وعدک مااستطعت اعوذبک من شر ماصنعت ابوئلک بنعمتک علی ابوء بذنبی فاغفرلی فانہ لاعغفر الذنوب الا انت

10. reciting seven times:

اللھم اجرنی من النار

11. recited once:

اللھم ما اصبح بی من نعمۃ او باحد من خلقک فمنک وحدک لاشریک لک فلک الحمد ولک الشکر

in the morning, renders thanks to ALLAH Almighty for all the blessings which Allah Almighty has showered upon that person throughout the night.

12. Recite once:

فسبحان اللہ حین تمسون حین تصبحون ولہ الحمد فی السمٰوٰت والارض وعشیا وحین تظھرون یخرج الحی من المیت و یخرج المیت من الحی ویحی الارض بعد موتھا وکذالک تخرجون

If recited at night, these words make up the deficiency in Ibadat (worship) and Dhikr of the day, and if recited in the morning, they atone for the lack of Ibadat (worship) and Dhikr of that night, (siha-i-sittah)

Note: These Adhkar should be repeated in the morning and evening, However, for number eleven when reciting in the morning:


should be read in place of :


in the evening.


Sunnah No.1: After completing Fajr prayer, once should remain engaged in Dhikr until the time of Ishraq. The most rewarding manner, one which brings the most blessings, is by staying in the same exact place where one offered Fajr prayer, the second best way is to move but remain within the mosque until the time of Ishraq, the third ordinary way is to leave the mosque after Salat-ul-Fajr but to continue Dhikr and recite the Holy Quran, Approximately fifteen to twenty minutes after the sun has risen, two rak’at Nafl should be offered. This is Called Salat-ul-Ishraq and the blessing it brings are equal to those of making one Hajj and one Umrah (Tirmidhi, Mazair-i-Haq)
Sunnah No.2: Hellfire will not touch the skin of one who offers four Rak’at Nafl during Salat-ul-Ishraq (Instead of two) behaqi) (
Sunnah No.3: When leaving the mosque, step out with the left foot first, put the left foot on top of the left shoe and put the right shoe on first. Then wear the left shoe.
Recite when leaving the mosque:

(اللھم انی اسئلک من فضلک)

It has also been recorded as being appropriate to recite when leaving the mosque.

(اللھم اغفرلی ذنوبی والسلام علی رسول اللہ )


Sunnah No.1: Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would often drink honey mixed with water. Our Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would also, at times, drink Nabizi Tamr. This is a drink in which pieces of dried dates are left to soak in water overnight in an earthenware jar and then drunk in the morning (Tirmidhi).


After offering Salat-Ul-Ishraq, one should commence the duties of the working day to earn the Halal livelihood and when it is time, offer Salat-Ul-Chasht.
Sunnah No. 2: From the time that the sun has risen high and the sunshine has become quite warm, approximately eight o’clock in the morning, until five minutes before Zawal, two, four, six or eight Rak’at Nafl may be offered. This is called Salat-Ul-Chasht (Muslim). Offering adequate propitiation for the three hundred and sixty joints in a person’s body; all the minor sins would also be forgiven (Muslim), even if one’s sins are as numerous as the foam on the ocean. (Tirmidhi)
Sunnah No.3: The person who offers four rakaat Nafl during the time of Salat-Ul-Chasht, ALLAH Almighty in His mercy makes all the difficult tasks of the day easy for him to accomplish and ALLAH Almighty Himself takes on the responsibility of fulfilling the person’s duties (Ahmad).
Sunnah No.4: A person who makes Wudhu and leaves his house to offer Salat-Ul-Chasht receives the blessings of one Umrah (Abu-Daud).
Sunnah No.5: A person who offers eight Rak’at Nafl during Salat-Ul-Chasht has his name written as being
among the Qaniteen (Abideen). If He offers twelve Rak’at, a house is built for him in Jannah (Ahmad).
After offering Salat-Ul-Chasht, near the time of Zawal, many people (especially in certain parts of the world) have their traditional lunch. For this reason, Sunnah related to eating and drinking will now be discussed. May Allah Almighty grant us all the ability to follow in the footsteps of our most beloved Prophet Muhammad ((Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).
Many new practices and customs are being introduced in eating drinking, which Muslims are adopting in place of the Islamic manners, How, then can we ever comply with the Sunnah which Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has shown? His (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) Sunnah has to be held, dear. If we truly love Islam and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) then it should not be difficult to obey him, for love makes everything easy. Love can stimulate us to do things we would otherwise not even think of doing:(عضو علیھا بالنواجد)
If not always, at least, just once, we should make the Niyat for eating those things which our Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) ate. If we have always eaten whenever, whatever, and as much as we wanted, and have until now followed our own wishes, then now we must resolve to obey His (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) wishes now.
Not only will it bring blessing, but it will also bring peace into our lives.
All the things which our prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) ate, whether once or as a matter of routine, are recorded on next page.

Food Taken By Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

Camel meat, beef, Lamb, Chicken, Rabbit, white antelope, various birds, fish, all kinds of date (ripe and otherwise) vinegar and bread, sureed (break broken into small pieces and soaked in curry), meant which has been dried in the sun, roasted meant, dish of curry and meat, meat from the rump and shoulder, liver, kidney, lungs, goose meat, a meal of barley flour mixed with beets, unleavened bread made with barley flour made of cheese, buter, dried dates, melon, watermelon, cucumber, cucumbers and dates mixed and eaten together,
Our Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was especially fond honey (Tirmidhi). He also liked to eat foods leftover which had got stuck to the cooking vessel (Nashr-al-Taeb).

Foods Which Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) Recommended As Being Good For Health

Oranges (Bukhari)
Onions, Garlic, the seed of Nigella indica, mustard seed, fenugreek, dried ginger, olive oil, senna, licking honey shaken in ‘ghee-pot’ ( a pot which had butter oil in it) apples, fat, aloe, aloe wood, fruit from the Salvadora persica tree, berry, etc ( Nashr-al-taiyab)

Sunnah Related to Eating

Sunnah No.1: washing the hands and rinsing the mouth to eat (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah NO.2: Making the Niyat (intention) before eating that you are eating in obedience to Allah Almighty’s order to gain strength for worshipping Him. (Al-Targhib).
Sunnah No.3: Eating with the right hand; handling foods with the right hand(Ibn-i-Majah).
Sunnah NO.4: Sitting and eating together (Abu Daud).
Sunnah No.5: The more hands (people) partaking food, the greater the blessings (Mishkat).
Sunnah NO.6: Being content with whatever there is to eat and eating it with the realization that it is a blessing from Allah Almighty (Malik).
Sunnah No.7: It is Sunnah to sit with the weight of ground when eating; sitting on one leg folded underneath the body and the other leg straight up with the knee bent (off the floor) is also Sunnah. The third manner of sitting which is Sunnah is kneeling and bending down to eat. (Umdat-tul-Qari).
Sunnah No.8: Removing one’s shoes before eating (Darmi).
Sunnah No.9: The most respected and the oldest person among those present should be offered the food first(Muslim).
Sunnah No.10: Use only as many fingers as are required to eat properly, If three fingers are adequate, to eat do not use any more.(Abu Daud).
Sunnah No.11: Say before eating:

(بسم الرحمن الرحیم)
(Abu Daud)


(بسم اللہ وعلی برکت اللہ )

Sunnah NO.12: If you forget to say above dua, before eating, then as soon as you remember during eating say :

(بسم اللہ اولہ و اخرہ)

Sunnah No.13: Eat from your side of the dish, not from the middle or from in front of where someone else is eating (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.14: Do not blow into food (to cool it or for any other reason (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.15: If there are a variety of dishes on the table, it is permissible for one to pick and choose only those which one prefers and to leave the other (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.16: It is Sunnah to have vinegar and honey in one’s home(Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.17: IF there is a large portion of roasted meat, it is proper to cut it with a knife into small pieces (Muslim, Bukhari).
Sunnah No.18: Instead of using a knife to cut meat using one’s teeth is better for taste as well as for digestion (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.19: Do not eat food while it is very hot. Wait until it becomes warm before eating it (Ahmad).
Sunnah No.20: If some food falls onto the table-cloth, it should be picked up, cleaned and eaten, it should not be left there for Shaitan to eat(Ibn Majah).
Sunnah No.21: If someone arrives while one is eating, it is Sunnah to invite him to join in (Ibn Majah).
Sunnah No.22: If your companion, especially a guest, is still eating, you should continue to eat in order that he may eat his fill rather than stopping out of embarrassment at eating alone; if there is any restraint, then you should excuse yourself.( Ibn Majah).
Sunnah No 23: It is Sunnah to have the servant, who has cooked the meal, either join in eating it or be given some food to eat separately (Ibn Majah).
Sunnah NO.24: There would be blessings in abundance in that home where everyone has the habit of washing their hands thoroughly and rising their mouths after every meal (Ibn Majah).
Sunnah NO.25: It is Sunnah to lick one’s fingers and clean one’s plate thoroughly after finishing a meal. The reason for this is that one does not know in which morsel or bite of food ALLAH Almighty has bestowed His blessings and therefore one should not leave any food on the plate.
Sunnah No.26: If the fingers are greasy with the food just eaten, it is Sunnah to rub this fat into one’s hands, arms and feet before washing one’s hands with water(Ibn Majah).
Sunnah No.27: The tablecloth should be cleaned and taken away before anyone gets up, In other words, one should remain sitting until all the dishes have been cleaned from the tablecloth(Ibn Majah).
Sunnah No.28: It is Sunnah to lay the table-cloth, the food and to sit and eat on the floor, (Shamail Tirmidhi)
Sunnah No.29: after finishing one’s meal, one should supplicate any suitable Dua from the Holy Quran or Ahadith as appropriate. By supplicating the following Dua one’s (minor) sins are forgiven.

الحمد للہ الذی اطعمنی ھذا الطعام ورزقنیہ من غیر حول منی ولا قوۃ
(Abu Daud)
الحمد للہ الذی اطعمنا وسقانا وجعلنا مسلمین

Sunnah No. 30: The guests supplicate this dua for the host, without raising one’s hands:

(اللھم اطعم من اطعمنا واسق من سقانا)

Or this Dua:

(اللھم بارک لھم فیما رزقتھم وارزقھم خیرا منہ)

Having discussed the Sunnah related to eating, it is appropriate to also mention those Sunnah which relate drinking as well, May ALLAH Almighty grant us the ability to follow them (Amin).

Sunnah Related To Drinking Water

Sunnah NO.1: Always drink water using the right hand. Shaitan uses the left hand.
Sunnah No.2: A glass of water should not be drunk all in one gulp. One should stop a least three times to take a breath (do not breath into the glass) (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.3: Before drinking, say :

(بسم اللہ )

and after finishing drinking, say :

(الحمد للہ)

Sunnah No.4: Never blow into a liquid meant for drinking (Abu Daud).
Sunnah NO.5: Aab-Zam Zam (water from Zam-Zam foundation in the Haram Sharif where the Ka’ba is located) should be drunk while standing (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.6: Drinking the water left over from Wudhu while standing is Sunnah (Shamail Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.7: If you have drunk from a glass and there is some left over which you wish to give to someone else, then it is Sunnah to offer it first to the person who is sitting on your right (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.8: It Sunnah to drink water in the morning which has been left overnight.(Bukhari)
Sunnah No.9: After Drinking any liquid (Water, juice, etc…) it is Sunnah to supplicate this dua,

(اللھم بارک لنا فیہ و اطعمنا خیرا منہ)

After drinking milk, It is Sunnah to supplicate the following dau: (Shamail Tirmidhi)

(اللھم بارک لنا فیہ وزدنا منہ)

Sunnah NO.10: Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had a wooden bowl which had an inlay of steel on the outside. He used this bowl whenever He (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had something to drink. In another narration, It is stated that He (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) used a bowl of glass also, (Nashr-al-teeb-o-shimail).
these are the sunnah related to eating and drinking which should be taken careful note of and followed whenever eating or drinking. After eating the midday meal, It is Masnoon to sleep or to lie down for a short while. (fifteen or twenty minutes).
when it is time for Salah-ul-Zuhr , prepare for it in the same way as for Salat-ul-Fajr, which has previously been discussed.
Sunnah No.11: After the time of Zawal has passed, it is masnoon to offer four raka’at Nafl “Sunan-Zawal”. Offering this prayer brings great blessings (Mishkat).


Note : Offering two Rak’at Nafl after making Wudhu and two Rak’at Nafl upon entering the mosque both were prohibited during the time of Fajr. However, it is mustahab to offer both during the time of Zuhr.
Sunnah No.1: Make wudu thoroughly and offer two rak’at nafl. When praying, make every attempt to concentrate and avoid thinking about anything else. Praying in such a manner assures that all of your minor sins are forgiven (Tirmidhi).
offering two rak’at Nafl should be offered except when Salah is makrooh. In the same way, whenever entering a mosque two rak’at Nafl of shukranah (thanks) be offered. These two rak’at Nafl are called tahiayatul masjid and are mustahab(Tirmidhi).
Note: care should be taken when making wudu before Salah, when leaving the house to go to the mosque, when entering the mosque, sitting in the mosque, when making rows of the jamaat (congregation) before starting or the salah, and when taking part in the jamaat (congregation) that all the pertinent sunnah are being followed at each step. All of these Sunnah have been discussed in an earlier section.
Sunnah No.2: Four Rak’at Sunnah are to be offered before the four rak’at of salat-ul-Zuhr and two rak’at Sunnah to be offered after Fajr.
Sunnah No.3: If the Jamaat (congregation) has begun and one is late, one should not rush to join the Jamaat (Congregation) but keep one’s pace uniform and dignified and should not become out of breath (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.4: Those who have more knowledge about the various rules and regulations of salah should stand behind the Imam in the first row.
Sunnah No.5: It has been established that our Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) at various times prayed on the ground, on a rush or palm mats, and on the floor (Tirmidhi).
It is better to pray on the ground than on a mat, and better to prayer on a mat than on a prayer rug.
Having to offer Sala-ul-Zuhr, on should continue with the normal routine duties of the day. One must take special care not to miss Salat-ul-Asr. The Holy Quran has specifically ordered that this prayer is offered with the Jamaat when preparing to offer Salat-ul-Asr again take note and follow all the Sunnah which have Previously been related.


Sunnah No.1: It is Sunnah to offer four rak’at salah before offering the obligatory four Fard (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.2: When the Jamaat is about to begin Salah, take care to straighten the rows. If the Imaam asks any member of the Jamaat to mover (forward, back etc…) obey him. As always, offer this prayer as if it were one’s last.
Sunnah No.3: Having offered Salat-ul-Asr, take some time to stay in the place where you have prayed and get busy This is the time of the day when the Malaikah (angels) who have been with a person since the morning with that person during the night.
Recite Thirty-Three Times:

(سبحان اللہ )

Thirty-Three Times:

(الحمد للہ )

Thirty-Four Times:

(اللہ اکبر)

And then supplicate:
Sunnah No.4: A person who remains in the mosque from Salat-ul-Asr until the time of Salat-ul-Maghrib and remains occupied in remembering Allah Almighty, he will receive blessings as for freeing four slaves who are the descendants of Prophet Ismaeel (Alaihis Salam) (At-Targhib). Even if one does return to work, one should try to remember Allah Almighty as much as possible and avoid lying, swearing falsely (swearing by someone or something that a thing is true when it is not). And other sins, Of course, these sins should be avoided at all times. If a sin is committed, great or small, immediately turn to Allah Almighty and ask His forgiveness. Avoid undesirable company for remembrance of Allah Almighty is better.
Sunnah No.5: Once the sun begins to set, young children should not be allowed outdoors. If they are outdoors, they should be told to come in, for this is the time that the accomplices of Shaitan come out. Once again, when preparing for Salat-ul-Maghrib, be sure to follow the Sunnah. These sunnah have been discussed only once, but they are the same sunnah which apply to all five prayers of the day.


Sunnah No.1: There is no sunnah Salat to be offered before the three Fard Rak’at of Salat-ul-Maghrib. However at the time that the Adhan (call for prayer) for Maghrib is being called, the following additional Dua has been reported:

(اللھم ھذا اقبال لیلک و ادبار نھارک و اصوات دعاتک فاغفرلی )

Sunnah No.2: It is Sunnah to offer two Rak’at Sunnah after offering three Fard (Shamail Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.3: whosever offers six rak’at nafl after offering the Fard and Sunnah of Salat-ul-Maghrib will receive the blessing of twelve years of ‘Ibadat”(worship). Offering these Nafl is called Salat-ul-Awwabeen.
After offering Salat-ul-Maghrib, if one wishes to do further worship, then all the dua which have been included in “Ibadat after salat-ul-Fajr can be supplicated after Salat-ul-Maghrib as well. One change is made, however, in Dua number eleven-Instead of saying:


Say :


if it is the norm to eat after Salat-ul-Maghrib, then once again make a note to follow all the Sunnah which apply to eating and drinking, and take time to teach children these sunnah as well. This way one’s home will be filled with the Noor (light) of sunnah of our Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam).
once darkness has set in completely, children may once again go outdoors, if they wish, and the earlier prohibition of not leaving the house while the sun is setting will not apply. Whenever entering the house one should supplicate the Dua of entry and when beginning a meal, say (بسم اللہ ) shaitan, the accursed will not be able to enter into the house where this Dua is regularly read, nor will he able to eat in such a house. his entrance into such a house will be blocked. This we know from Ahaddith. The Dua one should supplicate entering once’s home is :

اللھم انی اسئلک خیر المولج و خیر المخرج بسم اللہ ولجنا و علی اللہ ربنا توکلنا

Sunnah Which Should be Observed When Entering The Home

Sunnah No.1: When entering the home, one should remember ALLAH Almighty in one way or the other (Muslim)
Sunnah No.2: The following Dua is also narrated in Ahadith, just when entering the home:

(اللھم انی اسئلک خیر المولج و خیر المخرج بسم اللہ ولجنا وعلی اللہ ربنا توکلنا)
(Abu Daud)

Sunnah No.3: The one who is entering should say “Assalam-o-Alaikum” to those who are already in the house, whether they are children, spouse or whosever else is present (Abu Daud)
Sunnah No.4: If there is a chance that someone (from among those already present at home) will not be dressed ( properly) or that they will be in a state in which they should not be seen by the one entering, then they should be alerted before entering (Mishkaat).
Sunnah No.5: It is Sunnah to alert those at home of one’s arrival by knocking the door, or by one’s footsteps, or by coughing (Nisai).
Note: Sometimes one’s mother, Sister, or daughter can be surprised by one’s sudden unannounced arrival and become embarrassed.
Sunnah No.6: Do not sleep before offering Salat-ul-Isha (Mishkaat) this is because there is the chance that one may miss the congregation (Jamaat) this is a good opportunity to spend time with one’s children and teach them something of Deen. Then one can begin preparation for Salat-ul-Isha.


Sunnah No.1: It is Sunnah to offer four Rak’at sunnah before offering Fard of Salat-ul-Isha (Mishkaat).
Sunnah No.2: Two Rak’at Sunnah Muakkadah are to be offered after Fard (Mishkaat).
Sunnah No.3: If after two Rak’at Sunnah, instead of offering two rak’at Nafl, four Nafl are offered then the blessings received will be equal to that of Laila-Tul-Qadar (The night in Ramadan in which worship is better than the worship of thousand nights, often thought to be the 27th of Ramadan) (Al-Targhib).
Those who do not normally arrive to offer Salat-ul-Tahajjud at night should make intention of offering Tahajjud when offering the above four Nafl, they will receive the blessings of Tahajjud (Insha Allah), if by chance they do arise for Tahajjud, they should offer Nafl prayer at that time as well but if they do not then these four Nafl will suffice Insha ALLAH.
Sunnah No.4: It is Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi (the act which should not be done, No punishment if one does but leaving is better) to discuss worldly affairs unnecessarily after having offered Salat-ul-Isha (Mishkaat).
Sunnah No.5: If offers Isha prayers at mosque even if there is a moonless night and no lighting along the way then there is good news of a great reward (Jannat) for such a person (Ibn Maja).
Sunnah No.6: To offer every Fard Salah with the congregation (Jamaat) from the time Takbeer is called (in other words one should be in attendance from the time that the congregation (Jamaat) begins (At-Targhib).
Sunnah No.7: whosever offers Isha prayers with the congregation “Jamaat” for forty consecutive nights and is present at every Jamaat from the time that Takbeer is called ALLAH Almighty grants him freedom from Jahannam “Hell” (Ibn Maja).
Sunnah No.8: Reciting after Surah Fatiha in the first rak’at of Witr Surah Aalaa (سورۃ الاعلیٰ) in the second rak’at Surah Kafiron (سورۃ الکافرون ) and in the third Surah Ikhlaas (سورۃ الاخلاص) is sunnah (Abu Daud).
Sunnah No.9: After completing the Witr Say : (سبحان الملک القدوس) three times in an audible voice and for the third time lengthen it.

Sunnah Which Should Be Followed At Night

Sunnah No.1: Say: بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم when closing the door for the night and also say بسم اللہ and cover pail of water even a piece of wood across it or some kind of cover.(Bukhari).
Sunnah No.2: all pots and pans which contain food or drink should be covered saying بسم اللہ when covering them (Bukhari).
Sunnah No.3: If there are candles, lanterns or another form of light being used which could cause fire hazards, they should be put out (Bukhari).
Sunnah No.4: It is Sunnah to spend time at night with family, relating inspirational morally uplifting stories and having an enjoyable light conversation with them (Shamail-e-Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.5: When children reach the ages of Nine or ten, girl and boys should be given separate beds and should no longer sleep together (Mishkaat).
Sunnah No.6: It is Sunnah to apply Antimony (Used in powder form kept in container and applied with a very fine wooden or metal applicator) in the eyes before going to bed, also apply it in the eyes of children beginning with the right eye, it should be applied three times, and then the left eye.
Sunnah No.7: whether one’s bed is already laid or rolled in both cases it should be dusted before being used, be it with a corner of one’s skirt (Mishkaat).
Sunnah No.8: Make ablution (ablution of Salah) before going to bed.(Bukhari)

Sunnah No.9: before going to bed Miswak should be used (Mishkaat).
Sunnah No.10: Recite Surah Mulk, last two verses of Surah Baqarah and Tasbeeh-e-Fatmi (سبحان اللہ 33 times, الحمد للہ 33 times and اللہ اکبر 34 times)
and lastly, recite Kalima Tayyab once before going to sleep.(Mishkaat).
Note: There are many verses found in Ahadith which can be recited before going bed at night, choose from among them and make it a habit to read these before going bed at night.
Sunnah No.11: Recite the following Surahs before going to sleep
Surah Ikhlas, Surah Falaq, and Surah Naas, then blow into the palms of the joined hands and run the hands all the way from the head down to the body where hands can reach.
Sunnah No.12: It is Sunnah to supplicate this Dua upon laying down:

(اللھم باسمک اموت واحیٰ)
(اللھم قنی عذابک یوم تجمع عبادک )

Sunnah No.13: Making your own bed at night is sunnah (Muslim)
Sunnah No.14: Using a pillow is also Sunnah (Muslim).
Sunnah No.15: Making a bed of leather and skins and sleeping on it is Sunnah.
Sunnah No.16: Sleeping on a palm or rush mat.
Sunnah No.17: sleeping on a cloth laid on the ground is sunnah.
Sunnah No.18: Sleeping on the ground is sunnah.
Sunnah No.19: sleeping on a bed of woven rope.(Nashr-al-Teeb).
Sunnah No.20: one should sleep on the right side facing the Qiblah (Bukhari, Muslim).
Sunnah No.21: It is Sunnah to sleep with your right hand under your head (Bukhari).
Sunnah No.22: Say this Istighfaar (forgiveness) three time.

(استغفراللہ الذی لا الا الہ الا ھو الحی القیوم و اتوب الیہ)

Sunnah No.23: also upon laying down recite any Surah from the Holy Quran which you have memorized (Tirmidhi)
Sunnah No.24: one should sleep in a state of physical purity (At-Targhib).

Our Prophet Muhammad’s (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) Dress

Sunnah No.1: Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)preferred and most often wore a long collarless shirt, the sleeves of which reached up to the wrists, with a breast opening in the front and was so lose that when the buttons were open, a Sahabi “companion” (Razi ALLAHU Anhu) once put this hand inside and touched inside the Prophet Muhammad’s (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) seal of prophethood on his back (Shamail Tirmidhi)
Sunnah No.2: The length of Our beloved Prophet Muhammad’s (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) shirt was mid-way between his knee and his ankles (Hakim).
Sunnah No.3: Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)approved of the Pajama because of the inherent modesty of this garment but He (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) never wore it himself (Tirmidhi), but he wore a Lungi, a waistcloth ( a cloth worn around the waist and extending midway between the knee and the ankle) all His life.
Sunnah No.4: Prophet Muhammad’s (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) attire most often consisted of a shawl, lungi (worn around the lower of the body), a shirt and a turban. He preferred a striped shawl. He (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) wore a cap under his turban, sometimes He (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) wore the cap without the turban. He (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) wore a turban both with and without loose ends and when there was a loose end, It hung down his back. Our beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) also wore a Qaba or tunic.
The length of his shawl measured approximately 9 feet while the width was 5.25 feet (3 feet nine inches has also been reported). The cloth which he wore around his waist reached mid-calf. The length of this cloth was approximately 6 feet in length and its width was a little less than 3 feet (Sharah Safar-us-Sadat wa Nashr-al-Teeb).
He (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) had used shawls of striped red, green and black colours as well as woolen shawls with or without embroidery. He (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) had used the leather embroidered with silk which was sent by Emperor of Rome. Some narrations state his having purchased and used pajama. He (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) used cotton clothes more often. He (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam) has used costly clothes also. His pillow was leather filled with date-tree bark.

Various Sunnah

Sunnah No.1: Taking care of the needs (medicines, food, and drink) of the sick (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.2: Staying away from things which are harmful (Tirmidhi).
Sunnah No.3: Not forcing those who are ill, to eat and drink more if they are not willing (Mishkat).
Sunnah No.4: Treating guests in your home with courtesy and respect (Mishkat).
Sunnah No.5: when a guest is leaving, he should be seen off up to the door of the house (Ibn Majah).
Sunnah No.6: behaving well towards one’s neighbors, remaining quiet rather than saying something unkind and behaving kindly. (Bukhari, Muslim).
Sunnah No.7: Earning your own livelihood (Bukhari).
Sunnah No.8: accepting gifts which someone has brought even if it is not to one likes. (Bukhari).
Sunnah No.9: Avoiding unnecessary and irrelevant talk.
Sunnah No.10: Meeting others warmly and with good manners.
Sunnah No.11: Keeping in touch with friends and acquaintances and finding out how they are faring (in order to help them when necessary).
Sunnah No.12: Having enough knowledge of the Deen to know when something (that you have seen or heard) is good or bad.
Sunnah No.13: When meeting a respectable citizen of another nation, treating him with respect and dignity.
Sunnah No.14: when joining a gathering, sitting wherever there is room.
Sunnah No.15: Always replying to question or comment with kindness and in a gentle voice.

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